Steps 1 to 3 example
The following recording (Figure 1) shows an example of how to do steps 1, 2 and 3. This is based on the pilot study area.
Figure 1: Shows how to implement Steps 1, 2 and 3 in QGIS
Once the user has provided all desired parameters, click Run Scenario.
The processing dialog will open (Figure 2).
The processing will take a while, depending on the number of activities and pathways provided for each activity.
Click the Cancel button to stop the processing.
Figure 2: Processing dialog while the algorithm is running
Figure 3 will be the result of the processing if successful.
The user should take note that the View Report button is now available.
Figure 3: Processing dialog if successful
Processing results
The following groups and layers will be added to the QGIS canvas once the processing finishes (see Figure 4):
A group containing the Scenario results.
Activity Maps: Non-weighted activities created by the user in Step 2.
Weighted Activity Maps: Weighted activities based on the activities added in Step 2 and weighing set in Step 3.
NCS Pathways Maps: Pathways used for each activity in Step 2. If an activity layer were provided as the activity in Step 2, this would contain no pathways.
Figure 4: Groups and layers added to the QGIS canvas
An example of output results in QGIS is detailed in Figure 5
Figure 5: A recording example of an example scenario
Report generating
Click the View Report button.
The user will have the following options:
- Layout designer: Opens the report in the QGIS layout designer.
- Open PDF: Opens the report in PDF format.
- Help: Open the help documentation related to the reports.
Figure 6: Report options
- Figure 7 shows an example of a report opened in the layout designer.
Figure 7: Report opened in the QGIS layout designer
- Figure 8 shows a report in PDF format.
Figure 8: PDF version of a report
Generated report example
Here is an example of how to open a report in the QGIS layout designer, or as a PDF (Figure 9).
Figure 9: Example of a generated report in PDF and layout designer formats