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Data models for report production.

ActivityColumnMetric dataclass

ActivityColumnMetric(activity, metric_column, metric_type=MetricType.NOT_SET, expression='')

This class provides granular control of the metric applied in each activity's column.



Checks if the activity column metric is valid.


Type Description

True if the activity column metric is valid else False.

Source code in src/cplus_plugin/models/
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
    """Checks if the activity column metric is valid.

    :returns: True if the activity column metric is
    valid else False.
    :rtype: bool
    if self.activity is None or self.metric_column is None:
        return False

    if self.metric_type == MetricType.NOT_SET:
        return False

    if not self.expression:
        return False

    return True

ActivityContextInfo dataclass

ActivityContextInfo(activity, area)

Contains information about an activity for use in an expression context.

BaseReportContext dataclass

BaseReportContext(template_path, name, project_file, feedback)

Common context information for generating a scenario report.

MetricColumn dataclass

MetricColumn(name, header, expression, alignment=QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter, auto_calculated=False, format_as_number=True, number_formatter=QgsFallbackNumericFormat)

This class contains information required to create custom columns for the activity table in a scenario analysis report.

create_default_column staticmethod

create_default_column(name, header, expression='')

Creates a default metric column.

:py:attr:~format_as_number is set to True and :py:attr:~number_formatter is set to two decimals places with a thousands' comma separator.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Unique column name.

header str

Label that will be used in the activity metrics table.

expression str

Column expression. Default is an empty string.



Type Description

Metric column object.

Source code in src/cplus_plugin/models/
def create_default_column(
    name: str, header: str, expression: str = ""
) -> "MetricColumn":
    """Creates a default metric column.

    :py:attr:`~format_as_number` is set to True and
    :py:attr:`~number_formatter` is set to two decimals
    places with a thousands' comma separator.

    :param name: Unique column name.
    :type name: str

    :param header: Label that will be used in the
    activity metrics table.
    :type header: str

    :param expression: Column expression. Default is an
    empty string.
    :type expression: str

    :returns: Metric column object.
    :rtype: MetricColumn
    number_formatter = MetricColumn.default_formatter()

    column = MetricColumn(name, header, expression)
    column.number_formatter = number_formatter

    return column

default_formatter staticmethod


Returns a default number formatter with two decimals places and a comma for thousands' separator.


Type Description

Basic number formatter.

Source code in src/cplus_plugin/models/
def default_formatter() -> QgsNumericFormat:
    """Returns a default number formatter with two
    decimals places and a comma for thousands'

    :returns: Basic number formatter.
    :rtype: QgsNumericFormat
    number_formatter = QgsBasicNumericFormat()

    return number_formatter



Convenience function that converts this object to a QgsLayoutTableColumn for use in a QgsLayoutTable.


Type Description

A layout column object containing the heading, horizontal alignment and width specified.

Source code in src/cplus_plugin/models/
def to_qgs_column(self) -> QgsLayoutTableColumn:
    """Convenience function that converts this object to a
    QgsLayoutTableColumn for use in a QgsLayoutTable.

    :returns: A layout column object containing the heading,
    horizontal alignment and width specified.
    :rtype: QgsLayoutTableColumn
    layout_column = QgsLayoutTableColumn(self.header)

    return layout_column

MetricConfiguration dataclass

MetricConfiguration(metric_columns, activity_metrics)

Container for metric column and activity column metric data models.

activities property


Gets the activity models in the configuration.


Type Description

Activity models in the configuration.


find(activity_id, name_header)

Returns a matching activity column metric model for the activity with the given UUID and the corresponding metric column name or header label.


Name Type Description Default
activity_id str

The activity's unique identifier.

name_header str

The metric column name or header to match.



Type Description

Matching column metric or None if not found.

Source code in src/cplus_plugin/models/
def find(
    self, activity_id: str, name_header: str
) -> typing.Optional[ActivityColumnMetric]:
    """Returns a matching activity column metric model
    for the activity with the given UUID and the corresponding
    metric column name or header label.

    :param activity_id: The activity's unique identifier.
    :type activity_id: str

    :param name_header: The metric column name or header to match.
    :type name_header: str

    :returns: Matching column metric or None if not found.
    :rtype: typing.Optional[ActivityColumnMetric]

    def _search_list(model_list: typing.List, activity_identifier: str, name: str):
        for model in model_list:
            if isinstance(model, list):
                yield from _search_list(model, activity_identifier, name)
                if str(model.activity.uuid) == activity_identifier and (
           == name
                    or == name
                    yield model

    match = next(_search_list(self.activity_metrics, activity_id, name_header), -1)

    return match if match != -1 else None



Checks the validity of the configuration.

It verifies if the number of metric columns matches the column mappings for activity metrics.


Type Description

True if the configuration is valid, else False.

Source code in src/cplus_plugin/models/
def is_valid(self) -> bool:
    """Checks the validity of the configuration.

    It verifies if the number of metric columns matches the
    column mappings for activity metrics.

    :returns: True if the configuration is valid, else False.
    :rtype: bool
    column_metrics_len = 0
    if len(self.activity_metrics) > 0:
        column_metrics_len = len(self.activity_metrics[0])

    return len(self.metric_columns) == column_metrics_len

MetricEvalResult dataclass

MetricEvalResult(success, value)

Result of evaluating a metric.


Bases: IntEnum

Type of metric or expression.

from_int staticmethod


Creates the metric type enum from the corresponding int equivalent.


Name Type Description Default
int_enum int

Integer representing the metric type.



Type Description

Metric type enum corresponding to the given int else unknown if not found.

Source code in src/cplus_plugin/models/
def from_int(int_enum: int) -> "MetricType":
    """Creates the metric type enum from the
    corresponding int equivalent.

    :param int_enum: Integer representing the metric type.
    :type int_enum: int

    :returns: Metric type enum corresponding to the given
    int else unknown if not found.
    :rtype: MetricType
    if int_enum == 0:
        return MetricType.COLUMN
    elif int_enum == 1:
        return MetricType.CELL
    elif int_enum == 2:
        return MetricType.NOT_SET
        return MetricType.UNKNOWN

RepeatAreaDimension dataclass

RepeatAreaDimension(rows, columns, width, height)

Contains information for rendering repeat model items such as scenarios or activities in a CPlus repeat item.

ReportContext dataclass

ReportContext(template_path, name, project_file, feedback, scenario, scenario_output_dir, output_layer_name, custom_metrics)

Bases: BaseReportContext

Context information for generating a scenario analysis report.

ReportResult dataclass

ReportResult(success, scenario_id, output_dir, messages=tuple(), name='', base_file_name='')

Detailed result information from a report generation run.

pdf_path property


Returns the absolute path to the PDF file if the process completed successfully.

Caller needs to verify if the file actually exists in the given location.

:returns: Absolute path to the PDF file if the process completed successfully else an empty string.

ReportSubmitStatus dataclass

ReportSubmitStatus(status, feedback, identifier)

Result of report submission process.

ScenarioAreaInfo dataclass

ScenarioAreaInfo(name, identifier, area=dict())

Contains information on the result of calculating a scenario's area.

ScenarioComparisonReportContext dataclass

ScenarioComparisonReportContext(template_path, name, project_file, feedback, results, output_dir)

Bases: BaseReportContext

Contextual information related to the generation of scenario comparison report.

Last update: February 4, 2025
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