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Data models for report production.

BaseReportContext dataclass

BaseReportContext(template_path, name, project_file, feedback)

Common context information for generating a scenario report.

RepeatAreaDimension dataclass

RepeatAreaDimension(rows, columns, width, height)

Contains information for rendering repeat model items such as scenarios or activities in a CPlus repeat item.

ReportContext dataclass

ReportContext(template_path, name, project_file, feedback, scenario, scenario_output_dir, output_layer_name)

Bases: BaseReportContext

Context information for generating a scenario analysis report.

ReportResult dataclass

ReportResult(success, scenario_id, output_dir, messages=tuple(), name='', base_file_name='')

Detailed result information from a report generation run.

pdf_path property


Returns the absolute path to the PDF file if the process completed successfully.

Caller needs to verify if the file actually exists in the given location.

:returns: Absolute path to the PDF file if the process completed successfully else an empty string.

ReportSubmitStatus dataclass

ReportSubmitStatus(status, feedback, identifier)

Result of report submission process.

ScenarioAreaInfo dataclass

ScenarioAreaInfo(name, identifier, area=dict())

Contains information on the result of calculating a scenario's area.

ScenarioComparisonReportContext dataclass

ScenarioComparisonReportContext(template_path, name, project_file, feedback, results, output_dir)

Bases: BaseReportContext

Contextual information related to the generation of scenario comparison report.

Last update: October 2, 2024
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